Ruby On Rails
Ruby essential
- Organizing large Rails projects with namespaces
- Ruby 101: The Basics – The Renaissance Developer – Medium
- Five Ruby Methods You Should Be Using
- Method Arguments in Ruby: Part I – Mehdi Farsi – Medium
- Method Arguments in Ruby: Part II – Mehdi Farsi – Medium
- What is Difference between Ruby Blocks, Procs and Lambdas
- Idiomatic Ruby: writing beautiful code –
- What’s new in Ruby 2.6? – Tailor Tech – Medium
- 10 new features in Ruby 2.5 - RubyMine Blog
- Using delegate in Rails – JiaHung Lin – Medium
- State machines in Rails 5 – – Medium
- plataformatec/simple_form: Forms made easy for Rails
- The simplest way to group temporal data
- Phone number validation for Ruby
- The ultimate pagination ruby gem
- Netfix - fast JSON:API
Rails + Javascript
- Localizing JavaScript in Rails Apps - PhraseApp Blog
- How to make AJAX calls in Rails 5.1 with or without jQuery - Learnetto
- How to make Ajax calls — The Rails way – Patrik on Rails
Rails + React
- Rails with react using React on Rails gem(TDD) – Yazed Jamal – Medium
- Using React Inside Your Rails Apps - via @codeship - via @codeship
- ReactJS + Ruby on Rails API + Heroku App – Bruno Boehm – Medium
- CRUD React-Native & RoR backend with Devise Auth Token
- Build Your Own Real-Time Search With React & Ruby On Rails
Rails + webpacker
- Hot Module Reloading with Webpacker – Ruby Inside – Medium
- 👋 Goodbye Sprockets. Welcome Webpacker – Alessandro Rodi – Medium
- ankane/chartkick: Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
- Searching Serialized Fields in Rails Using Postgres Arrays
- The Minimum Arel Every Rails Developer Should Know
- Making sense of ActiveRecord joins, includes, preload, and eager_load
- Query tips
- Optimizaziton:
- Devise Authentication in Depth
- How To: Redirect back to current page after sign in, sign out, sign up, update
- Exception Handling · ryanb/cancan Wiki
- Top 10 errors from 1000+ Ruby on Rails projects (and how to avoid them)
- How to organise i18n without losing your translation_not_found - We build Envato
- Accepts_nested_attributes_for with Has-Many-Through Relations
- Using ActionCable
- Rails 5 Facebook Login
- Using Tokens in Rails – muktesh Deshpande – Medium
- Select2 With Simple Form in Rails - Andres Alvarez Dev Blog
- Namespacing in Rails 5
- Calculating age in Rails – Craig Sheen – Medium
- Configuring Puma, Unicorn and Passenger for Maximum Efficiency
- Get previous values of model attributes in Rails using a pre-existing helper
- Rails Models With Materialized Views – Jaimerson Araújo – Medium